Saturday, June 9, 2012


The day finally arrived.  After 5 months of our son impatiently waiting to leave to Fort Benning for Basic Training (Yes, there was a WAITING LIST to get into the Army!  Can you believe that one?  A waiting list!!) the day is here.  I don't know if I looked forward to this day more or feared this day more.  As a Mom, of course you think of all the bad and the ugly that could happen.  You think of the good too, just maybe not as much.  I think the worst part is just not knowing what he's doing or where he'll be going after this.  We can both deal with the homesickness.  After serving an LDS mission for 2 years we all kind of got used to that part.  It's the worry that's hard to let go of.  Will he be surrounded by good things and good people?  Will he be physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually strong?  Will he make good friends?  YES, I know he's 23 years old...but you always worry about them having a good friend!  It's not about cutting the apron strings.  I can throw that whole dang apron into the air and let it fly, but that doesn't stop you from being a Mom.  and it definitely doesn't stop you from worrying!

We went to church on this morning and then spent the afternoon together as a family.  He requested Cafe Rio pulled pork for his last homecooked meal for a while.  We had a great day.  Of course they all harassed me for wanting so many pictures!!!  But really family, who knows when you'll all be home again at the same time for 5 minutes!!  We checked him into the Radisson out by the airport at 4:00 and then went out to dinner.  Lance was so antsy the entire time!  He had briefing at 7:00 (I guess I should start using Army time!) but didn't want to be late at all.  I think we had him back by 6:00.  He was nervous...he was excited!  We just gave him hugs in the parking lot.  The kids all had bets on when mom would "lose it".  Geeze...thanks guys!  Just so they know...I kept my sunglasses on for a reason and tried really hard to keep it together.  I did pretty good if I do say so myself.  I didn't even cry until the next morning.  But they don't know shhhhh!

Lance had MEPS on Monday all day.  His flight didn't leave until 8:00 Tuesday morning.  He called from the airport to say goodbye and let me know things were good.  Then he texted when he got to Atlanta and said he would call when they got on the bus for their 2 hour ride to Ft. Benning.  That was the last we heard.  He's in the Army now!  Take care of him Uncle Sam!

Be Safe - Be Good - Be Strong
The Schofield Family

What a group!

I love these kids!

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