Thursday, June 21, 2012

I Am a Soliders Mother

I Am a Soldiers Mother
By Cynthia Strong

I am a soldier’s mother; I sometimes march alone
And yet I stand with many, trying to be strong.
You may not recognize me as you pass me on the street;
I may look like any other that you by chance might meet.
Like any mother, in a lot of ways I still remain,
But watching my son become a soldier brought a forever change.
For deep down inside where you cannot see
My own battle rages that’s as real as it can be.
It starts with feeling pride in all he has become,
But often worry creeps in before the day is done.
Then there is his absence that never will seem right -
The days without a word that causes many sleepless nights.
And at the sight of another soldier, my heart skips a beat,
For it reminds me of my own, and that face I’d love to see.
And I have a deeper sense of the sacrifices our heroes make;
I can see the hardships on the families – the loneliness, the heartache.
But in spite of all that’s raging, this mother’s love holds strong
As I’m wrapped in God’s peace and comfort and given strength to go on.

Thinking of you today Bud! And thinking....I never really thought I'd be a military mom, but how proud I am to be one.  I never thought I'd loan you to Uncle Sam, but how honored I was to let you go.  These summer holidays hold a new meaning for me.  I thought I was patriotic before, but now there's a higher sense of gratitude and of's nearly overwhelming.   When you told us of your big plans, dreams and desires I was excited that you knew exactly what you wanted to do!  I'd prayed for you to receive guidance and direction in your life.  Now comes the exercise of my faith and courage, and probably yours as well.  I am proud to be an Army Mom.  I'm learning what Army Strong really means. And I'm so thankful to be part of this new Army Family that we've already come to know and love.  Thank you for this opportunity to be part of this adventure in your life Bud.  And thank you so much for being part of mine!!!
Be Safe - Be Good - Be Strong
(I love you more than a million ANYTHINGS)

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