Friday, August 24, 2012

Home of a Soldier

This is the home of a soldier.  It's a humble home.  From it's walls you can hear the typical sounds of family life.  It's not not always blissful and is sometimes a bit chaotic, but at the same time it's full of love and laughter.  After all we are a family, and like the saying goes "Sometimes we may not have it all together, but together we have it all."

A proud family lives here.  They are proud not only for their soldier's sacrifice and accomplishments, but for the sacrifices and accomplishments of each other as well.  They are a family that loves each other, their country, and their Heavenly Father.

This home has a mom...a proud mom.  The Army didn't make her that proud mom...she's always been that way.  The Army just made her the proud mom of a soldier...just one of the many of her children's accomplishments that she's proud of.  She loves her husband, her children, and her Heavenly Father.  She has a big job to do and is more than happy to do it.  She tends to cry a little (some days maybe a lot) but it's just because as big as her heart is, it just isn't big enough to hold all her emotions in.  She is tough but she is gentle. No matter how busy she is, she always has time for you.  She loves unconditionally. 

This home has a dad....a proud dad. Just like Mom, the Army didn't make him that way... he's always been that way.  He is loving, kind, a great example, a hard worker, and a fair disciplinarian.  He is sometimes soft when mom thinks he should be hard, and hard when mom thinks he should be soft but is the perfect mix of tender and strict.  He offers words of encouragement and advice, protects, defends, and supports us. His arms are always there to surround and assure you.  In a way he's a soldier too. 

Brothers and sisters can be found in this home. They love each other, but there are times when they may not like each other very much, which is just part of growing up and being a family.  They support and encourage each other just as much as they tease and taunt each other.  As they go about their days filled with school, sports, and a busy social life, their soldier brother is never far from their thoughts and they are never far from his.  And, yes, he's always in their prayers.

Our soldier is tough, strong willed, compassionate, kind, focused, and brave. He has a love of family, God, and country. Though he may not be with us in person, we know he is never truly far away.  We are reminded of that every day when we walk by that flag in our window. We know that no matter where he is or where we are, we are always a family and this will always be home.  We know he has a job to do and we respect that, accept that, and try to be understanding and supportive.  We know he LOVES that job and this is what he wants to do right now more than anything.  Knowing this makes being a family of a soldier so much easier. We know that God will bless our soldier and that he will return with honor. This also makes it easier.

Yes, this is the home of a soldier.

Be Safe - Be Good - Be Strong

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