Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Congrats on the NREMT: FSH Update!

I'm not sure what's trouble or computer trouble....UGH!!!  But we are once again up and running thanks to our friends at Office Depot (gotta love those little boys!).  I don't know about you, but I feel like we're in need of an update and some good news from Son and the good ole boys at FSH!!!

First on the udpate...a BIG congrats to the guys that passed their NREMT certification last week.  HOOAH!  This means they are official EMT's and have completed the first step to becoming "official" combat medics.  It was a long, exhausting and stressful haul and quite the hurtle to jump.  Now it's onto "Whiskey Phase"!  Boys, if you were thinking the stress was long since passed, think again.  The first few days of Whiskey Phase proved to be just as stressful as the last four months, and from what we've seen on YouTube (which I'm quickly gaining a love/hate relationship for) I don't know that we can say you're in for a treat.  LOL....Definitely not MY kind of treat anyways!  First couple days consisted of learning injections (yes...on each other...GROSS!  And to the poor gal that messed up on him...he'll be fine...once he can move his arm again!!  :)   Lots more homework and learning to do blood draws on the second day.  This week has been extra draining as they've had some long days learning suicide prevention.  How sad it is that this has to be part of the training and has ended up being such a devastating affect for some of these soldiers and their families.

For family and friends.....Son is doing great and hanging in there.  Some days are better than others, but then isn't that how it goes for most of us?!  He would feel soooo much better if he had a Battle Buddy to go to church with on Sunday (Hint hint for any guys in his company that don't have much going on on Sunday morning and need to get a good deed in for the week  ;)  *wink wink
Seems they can't do much of anything without a Battle Buddy these days...and it seems way different than when he was in BCT at Benning.  Like Son said, at Benning all you had to do on Sunday was clean so guys were all sorts of willing to go to church with him.  Here at FSH they have a little more freedom.  Okay...a LOT more freedom.  Sort of tempting to choose a sports bar at the River Walk over going to church to sit in a hard chair while trying to stay awake... and takes a lot more convincing.  So kudos in advance for anyone who would be willing.  As soon as you're allowed goodies, Mom will gladly compensate by keeping you in carbs for the remainder of your Army careers!  Ha Ha

Son found a way to keep himself and a few of the guys busy on the weekends when they need a break from's called "Welcome to football season!" Not sure what they'd do without it at this point!  He bought a projector and shows the games in his room.  Aye yi yi....he looks at it as an investment and being frugal and cost effective as it saves him money from not going out on the town.  LOL...way to justify it son!  ;)  LOL...I guess as long as it keeps him out of trouble.  Then again, he did get yelled at by the Sgts for waking everybody up at the end of a not so good BYU game the other night.  Yes, he gets a little feisty when his team loses.  Apparently they thought a fight had broken out in his room.  LOL....maybe it's a good thing his roommate never seems to be around.  Literally...where does that boy go?  Nobody seems to have a clue.

That's about it for the update.  As always letters, cards, jokes, pictures, words of encouragement etc. are ALWAYS welcome!  He texted me with an "I LOVE YOU MOM"  around midnight the other night (getting a little homesick maybe?)  Ahhh...sweet!  Dad thought maybe he was drunk and it was meant a little slurred..ha ha..NOT!  When I asked him about it the next morning, he said they were watching "Saving Private Ryan" and in the middle of it he said, "I need to text my mom."  He said most the other guys in the room followed suit.  Have I said I LOVE THESE BOYS???!!!!!

Be Safe - Be Good - Be Strong

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