Monday, November 19, 2012

Army Parent's Creed

I am the parent of an American soldier. 
 I will support, respect and honor the protectors of this great Nation, this team we call Army. 
I seek to serve by word and deed not only my soldier but all soldiers. 
I will always treat a soldier respectfully, always defending their service with pride. 
I will never accept disrespect or dishonor of my soldier or any soldier from anyone.
 I will never abandon a soldier, injured or otherwise and I will always fight for their right to be treated fairly and honorably, even by those with whom they serve. 
I will privately bear the pain of loss and separation from my soldier, always striving to be uplifting and positive in their presence for their sake. 
 I will always acknowledge an Army soldier in public or private, commending and praising them for their service to us. 
 I will never let them forget that we are proud of them nor of the deep appreciation we have for their sacrifice. 
 I will stand by my soldier and those who serve with them, confronting anyone seeking to harm, dishonor or deny them basic human rights. I am the mother or father of my child, I am an Army parent.
Be Safe - Be Good - Be Strong

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