Thursday, August 9, 2012

Army Mom

A special post for the Army Moms of  Ft. Benning's former
 E 1/19 198th...and for Army Moms everywhere.

Proud Army Mrs.Tepper and son PV Tepper

One day, my dear boy said to me, "A decision I have made."
The words he spoke went through my heart as if they were a spade.
"I want skills, education and money" were some of the words he said,
But all the thoughts of "what if" kept spinning through my head.

I quickly regained composure and told him I'd agree

To support whatever decision he thought best to be.
I'd love him so, not matter what, he determined he should do,
Even it if meant him leaving me to serve the Red, White, and Blue.

The spring passed way too quickly and we tried to cherish the time.

Soon the day came I'd been dreading, to say goodbye to that boy of mine.
We talked alone and shared last thoughts then I hugged him oh so tight.
His words still ringing "Don't cry, Mom" as tears were blurring my sight.

The weeks have dragged by slowly as I've waited impatiently,

For every single letter or call from that boy at BCT.
With each line he has written, I've come to understand,
The boy who left two months ago has grown into a man.

Many angels I've had help me, through these tough weeks I've endured.

They've kept me sane and every day my boy's state have assured.
Without them I'd be wondering "Where?" and "How?" and "When?"
I love these other Army Moms.  Better friends there's never been!

Mere days until he graduates from this phase of his new life.

He has endured so very much in physical and mental strife.
But it's helped to form that little boy into an Army man.
A soldier he'll be named that August day as he stands.

He'll swear again to fight for freedom and defend us at all costs.

All the innocence of his childhood will be near completely lost.
So now to wait a few days more, until his face I'll see.
At Family Day, a man will stand, but my boy he'll always be.

He'll appear out there before me and my heart will swell with pride.

And finally, I'll want no more - no longer be denied.
At last be allowed, released to go to him I came to see.
And be reunited after all this time with that boy so dear to me.

I'll run to hug him tightly and again he'll likely say:

"Don't cry, Mom" but tears of joy will be cried that happy day.
We'll spend the day together, then again he'll have to go.
Again my heart will break, and again the tears will flow.

I'll wish he could stay, just a little while, to share more time with me.

But duty calls and he's sworn an oath to our Land of Liberty.
So leave he will, and once again, his decision I'll support.
And he'll travel on to his next base - for AIT he will report.

Yes, I'm an Army Mom, and on the homefront I'll remain.

As he spends these next years of his life in some unknown terrain.
I'll write him words of encouragement at every chance I get,
While tears of heartache, pride and fear may get the letters wet.

I'll keep him always up-to-date on family and on friends

And let him know their words of thanks as their freedom he defends.
I'll praise and support each step he takes on this journey he is on,
Because the Soldier is a piece of my heart, and I'm his Army Mom.

Original By Melissa Murphy
(Edited by K. Schofield)

Be Safe - Be Good - Be Strong

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