Monday, August 13, 2012

Mom, Do You Know Why?

As we were sitting with our son waiting at the USO in the airport the other day (What a surprise that was!  Oh....and a BIG shout out to the USO!!!  They REALLY take great care of our boys!  I was more than impressed and I've never seen so much food!  It was like a church potluck!) he turns to me and says, "Mom, did you notice my flag patch?"  I replied with sort of a laugh, "Yes, son.  I noticed your flag patch."  He smiled and said, "I meant, did you notice it's backwards?"  I turned him around so I could see his right arm and take another look.  No, I hadn't even noticed it was backwards.  He said, "Mom, do you know why?"  Stumped, I just looked at him and shook my head and sort of shrugged my shoulders.  He said, "We wear them backwards because it signifies running into battle.  Think of how a flag were to look if you were holding it high in the air and running forward into battle.  It blows back, right?  Yep, that's why we wear it that way."  And he sat back with a proud smile on his face.  I, in turn, gave him a huge hug and had a proud smile on my face....and tears in my heart.  I love that boy!  I love all those boys!!!!

And as they have now moved on to training at their different AIT's, today I want to quote Whinnie the Pooh when he said, "Always remember:  You're braver than you know, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think."  You got this boys!!!

Airport Surprise Package!!!

Be Safe - Be Good - Be Strong

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